Top 10 Tips for Eating on a Budget
- Buy in Season-I love all the fresh fruit this time of year.
- D.I.Y.-That's right, do it yourself. Cut up your fruits and vegetables, instead of buying prepackaged. Buy whole chickens and cut them up, you'll save a ton, just make sure you have a good sharp knife.
- Raid the Freezer-Through out the year, make double and freeze meals.
- Make a List-This is huge. I downloaded a grocery list off the Internet and every week I post a new one on the fridge. Through out the week we just check off what we need.
- Think Filling Foods-In other words, limit the processed junk food. Buy whole foods, they fill you up faster and stay with you longer.
- Bring Your Own-You could easily spent $10 per day on lunch. Brown bag it. Save money and your waistline.
- Buy Bulk-When possible, buy in bulk. Make sure you'll be able to use it before it goes bad. If somethings a great deal at the grocery store, buy 2 or 3.
- Patrol Portions-What a concept! Watch your portions and your waistline and wallet will benefit.
- Clip Coupons-Tip...only use coupons on items you already purchase and wait until they go on sale. There's great online coupon sites to help determine if it's a good time to use a coupon. I like
- Be a Bean Counter-Fiber, Fiber, Fiber! or Penny, Penny, Penny! Try to get as much fiber as possible, it will keep you full longer and it will do your body good. I also bring a calculator with me to the grocery store.
"If hunger is not the is not the answer."
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