Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back On Track!

I'm back on track. Last week was awesome. I planned and tracked all week long. Made time for myself and felt really good. WW meeting this morning I was down 4.8 pounds. For me, being very organized and having a plan is key to my success.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Who Ate The Last Boca Burger!

I was looking forward to it all day. I was going to splurge and put a slice of cheese on it, in between an Oroweat Sandwich Thin. I opened the freezer and I found an empty box. ARGH!

I still stayed within my planned points for the day. I made a thin hamburger patty (2oz cooked-3pts) and left the cheese off. Still used the sandwich thin, and had a pretty good hamburger.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Back!

Hmmm...didn't I say I was going to post at least once a week. That was July 2nd...and what's today? That's right, it's 18 days later. What a loser!

I started my new job, and I LOVE it! One week into it and I feel the control coming back into my life. I'm able to plan my food for the day, drink plenty of water and last night I didn't even have the urge to eat freshly baked peanut butter cookies that the husband made.
I know, I know...I passed up peanut butter cookies!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blogging Promise

I am promising to blog something at least once a week.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

What to do?

I'm so confused as to what I want. One minute I want success at work and work my way up the ladder, and I will do anything it takes. The next minute I just want to be content working Monday through Friday 8-5pm in a cubicle.

A year ago, I took a position with more pay, and a company car, all expenses paid. I have been faking it for a year now, I'm completely under qualified for the position. The schedule is very hectic and I travel a lot. I've gained 40+ pounds the last 12 months. I have not been happy at all.

A few days ago, a position became available in the office. I think I might apply for it. In some eyes, it would be a step down. However, it would be a more stable schedule and there would be no travel. I feel like I could get back on program with Weight passion. I would loose the company car, but it's just a car. I would gain Happiness!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

WW Meeting Update

I really enjoy going to my Saturday morning WW meeting. Below was the topic for the week. Please add to the list, I'm always looking for ways to save at the grocery store.

Top 10 Tips for Eating on a Budget
  1. Buy in Season-I love all the fresh fruit this time of year.
  2. D.I.Y.-That's right, do it yourself. Cut up your fruits and vegetables, instead of buying prepackaged. Buy whole chickens and cut them up, you'll save a ton, just make sure you have a good sharp knife.
  3. Raid the Freezer-Through out the year, make double and freeze meals.
  4. Make a List-This is huge. I downloaded a grocery list off the Internet and every week I post a new one on the fridge. Through out the week we just check off what we need.
  5. Think Filling Foods-In other words, limit the processed junk food. Buy whole foods, they fill you up faster and stay with you longer.
  6. Bring Your Own-You could easily spent $10 per day on lunch. Brown bag it. Save money and your waistline.
  7. Buy Bulk-When possible, buy in bulk. Make sure you'll be able to use it before it goes bad. If somethings a great deal at the grocery store, buy 2 or 3.
  8. Patrol Portions-What a concept! Watch your portions and your waistline and wallet will benefit.
  9. Clip Coupons-Tip...only use coupons on items you already purchase and wait until they go on sale. There's great online coupon sites to help determine if it's a good time to use a coupon. I like
  10. Be a Bean Counter-Fiber, Fiber, Fiber! or Penny, Penny, Penny! Try to get as much fiber as possible, it will keep you full longer and it will do your body good. I also bring a calculator with me to the grocery store.

"If hunger is not the is not the answer."

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a great day!

What a great day! We all went for a 90 minute walk this morning. It was about a half a mile from our house. I told my husband that we really need to step out of the bubble we live in and do a little more exploring. We've lived in this area for years and had no idea such a beautiful place was so close. I also played/worked in the yard, creating a new flower bed. I probably earned 8 activity points.

I felt really good about my food choices today. I didn't track, but I still felt good. For dinner I made spaghetti with whole wheat pasta and salad. For the past month or two I have been in the habit of also making garlic bread. Big mistake! I always end up eating 3-4 slices. This time NO garlic bread.

I made a wonderful dessert. Chocolate cake with pumpkin. It's sooo good!

Chocolate Cake

I got this yummy idea from a fellow Weight Watcher. There is only two ingredients to this very moist cake.

*Regular Cake Mix
*1-15oz can of Pumpkin

In a large bowl, combine cake mix and pumpkin. I also add about 3-tbsp of water so the mixture is the consistency of what you would normally see with the regular recipe of cake mix. Spread in a 13x9 baking dish that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake for 40 minutes at 300 degrees. Makes 18 servings.

I added strawberries and a some fat free Cool Whip, for a 2-3 point dessert.

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Weight Loss Tracker

So, here we go! Keeping this all real will help me to be accountable. I know I shouldn't dwell on the past, but sometimes I get so down on myself for messing up. Only twelve months ago I was 13 pounds away from goal, then I got lazy. ARGH!

OK...moving on. All this negative talk is just not getting me anywhere. I need to look ahead and move forward. Stop looking in the past.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Getting to Know Me

I'm in my mid 30's, have been married for 17 years and have an eleven year old son. Two dogs and a cat.

I joined Weight Watchers in May 2006. I quickly lost 60 pounds, and then got very cocky. Everyone was giving me compliments, I looked really good in my size 12 Levi jeans, and I just overall felt really good. Then I started to drift from the program. Over-eating, and not exercising. I started abusing laxatives to control my weight gain from binging, which was a big mistake. I did that for about 4 months, and then had to quit cold turkey. However, my binging at night did not stop. Over the last 12 months I have gained 40 lbs. It's really embarrassing to go into Weight Watchers every week and weigh in.

I will never give up on my goal to get healthy and happy with myself! Every morning I start off fresh, I just need to get back into the groove. I really hope blogging will help. I plan on blogging about my day to day experiences, recipes, new finds and new hopes.

Please join me!

Just Created a Blog!

OMG! I just created a blog. I see them out there and I have been wondering how easy it would be. Well...super easy! I've wanted to start a blog for a long time now, for someplace to write my thoughts down, with hopes there is someone else out there with similar thoughts.